Gemstone Jewelry, Unique Jewelry, Silver Jewelry, Handcrafted Silver, Genuine Gem Jewelry, Precious Stones, Handcrafted Pendant, Gemstone Pendant, Silver Pendant, Elegant Pendant, Fashion Pendant
100% Natural GREEN AMETHYST, Faceted Cut, RUBY – ZOISITE and RUBY cabochon PENDANT set in 925-Sterling Silver
Mixture of opaque red Ruby in green Zoisite from Tanzania.
Stone of Altered Consciousness
An ornamental material consisting of crystalline aggregates of green zoisite with non transparent ruby inclusions it is found on rocky outcrops in the area around Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania and the general appearance is unmistakable.
There isn’t another stone like it in the mineral world. The green zoisite is relatively soft, between 5.5 – 6.5 while the ruby inclusions are usually quite hard, 9 on the Mohs scale. This can make the stone difficult to cut because of the differences in hardness and usually diamond tools will be used.
Zoisite has been known for nearly two centuries as an ornamental stone. The medium grade red ruby material is usually spread irregularly throughout the green zoisite. It is one of the most colorful of ornamental stones.
This powerful stone transmutes negativity into positive energy; relieving lethargy and boosting physical energy. It offers stamina to one’s mental processes, facilitating advancements of the wearer’s goals.
The addition of Ruby creates an energetic combination of stones which helps to reach and maintain deep meditative states, stimulating the mind and powerfully amplifying both mental and psychic talents. It helps the wearer to maintain both one’s own individuality as well as a connection to others.
This is a wonderful crystal for creating magical journeys of the mind and to assist in producing visualization either for one’s own psychic work or for leading a group.
This Genuine rectangle PRASIOLITE, also named GREEN AMETHYST brings an elegant and graceful look to your outfit and is suitable for you to wear at any occasion and can be matched with any outfit.
As for its physical properties, PRASIOLITE has hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, which is no surprise since it belongs to the silica family. Almost all of the stones of the silica family have hardness somewhere around 7. Hardness of this degree almost always ensures relatively high durability (consider iron, for example, which has only 5 on the Mohs scale), and that indicates that your jewelry will last long. Prasiolite’s color is light green, and the most desirable specimens are supposed to be transparent. It has a glassy shine and should be cleansed with water, not only in order to remove the prasiolite’s surface dust, but also to purify its inner energies.
PRASIOLITE will assist you to express personal emotion, and it will link the energy of the heart with the crown chakra. It will open both the crown chakra and the third eye and activate your inner vision.
This encourages you to take the action that is stimulated by Prasiolite’s presence in your life. It activates the energy of the heart chakra, and opens you spiritually to nature, and to Mother earth.
Green Amethyst’s connection to the higher spiritual aspects of your life is a natural consequence of its use.
The special gift of Prasiolite is to bring your focus to a truly heart based perspective. The result will be that you will truly experience the strong, loving and harmonious energies that will flow into your life.
Prasiolite inspires creativity, attracting success, prosperity and abundance. It assists in bringing spiritual ideals into expression in every day life.
Emotionally…Prasiolite seems to calm emotions in general, preventing wild swings. It would seem to short circuit anger from erupting into an outburst, and instead offers a calm look at a situation to see different avenues to resolve those types of situations.
Some uses of Prasiolite are:
• Clears negativity
• Fosters compassion, self-acceptance and self-honour
• Ignites love and compassion in one’s heart
• Heals by closing the gap between the physical & spiritual
• Attracts prosperity
• Strengthens the emotions, the mind and the will
• Protects the wearer from intoxication
• Brings good fortune and luck
Green Amethyst should be protected against sun rays, because too long an exposure could lead to gradual loss of color.
Ruby is distinguished for its bright red color, being the most famed and fabled red gemstone. Beside for its bright color, it is a most desirable gem due to its hardness, durability, luster, and rarity. Ruby is a tough and durable gem, and the only natural gemstone harder than Ruby is Diamond.
The color of Ruby ranges from bright red to dark reddish-brown. The most preferred color is a deep blood red with a slightly bluish hue.
The uplifting and vital nature of Ruby is an encouragement to live fully, and embrace the joy of life that is missing in many people’s lives. Ruby allows the fire of passion and love to advance. It helps to bring down the walls we build around us to keep others out.
Inclusions of tiny, slender, parallel Rutile needles in Ruby cause a polished gem to exhibit asterism. The same Rutile inclusions that are responsible for asterism in certain Rubies can also decrease transparency and cause a hazy effect known as silk.
“A drop of the heart’s blood of Mother Earth” is how the ruby is described in the Orient. The Indians call the ruby Ratnanayaka, the lord of the gemstones. The Hindus called the ruby the king of precious stones and the leader of gems.
In India, those who donated rubies to honor Krishna were assured being reborn as an emperor in a future life. Hindus consider light colored rubies to be appropriate for women, and darker rubies to be appropriate for men.
The name ruby comes from the Latin word ruber, which means red. It is favorite gem among those in power and those in love, inspiring more emotion than almost any other stone. Some ancient cultures believed that rubies, as well as other gemstones, grew on trees, just like fruit. The rubies would begin budding as small white gems, and would slowly grow and ripen, turning red in the light of the sun. When the ruby was saturated with red color, it was ready to be plucked.
Ruby is deemed to be the most precious of gemstones by the Bible and the ancient Sanskrit writings. Indeed, upon discovery of each Ruby crystal, the Indian Emperor would give a special royal welcome to this King of Gemstones.
Rubies throughout time have been said to have many positive effects and mystical properties. The ruby is associated with the sun, and was thought to preserve mental and physical health. In the middle ages, rubies were viewed as a stone of prophecy. It was thought the stone darkened when danger was near. Ivan the Terrible of Russia stated that rubies were good for the heart, brain and memory. A Thirteenth Century prescription to cure liver problems called for powdered ruby. In the 15th-16th Centuries, rubies were thought to counteract poison. When rubbed on the skin, they were also thought to restore youth and vitality.
For thousands of years, Ruby was considered the stone of love, energy, passion, power, and a zest for life. Like no other gemstone in the world, Ruby is the perfect symbol for powerful feelings. The other important element of Ruby besides fire is blood, and Ruby is said to restore vital life forces and increase energy and vigor. Ruby is also known as the stone of courage, and legend tells us that a person possessing a ruby can walk through life without fear of evil or misfortune.
Physically, rubies are thought to energize and balance, stimulate heart chakra and encourage a passion for life, but never in a self destructive way. They overcome exhaustion and calm hyperactivity.
Emotionally, it is believed that rubies improve motivation and the setting of goals. They promote positive dreams and clear visualization and aid in retaining wealth and passion. They bring up negative anger in order for change and removal. They also promote dynamic leadership. They bring a positive and courageous state of mind- one that is sharp, hyper aware and concentrated. They make you stronger during times of controversy or dispute and shield against physical attack. A ruby is also said to be a settler of disputes, having the power of reconciliation. A ruby is dynamic, and brings about passion and enthusiasm, attracting sexual activity.
Weight: 29 grams
Length: 68 mm
Width: 25 mm
Materials: Ruby 0,7cts
Ruby-Zoisite 52,4 cts
Green Amethyst 23,5 cts★ MORE Pendants:
Made for you with love … !
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